Eat to beat your prostate cancer with TED talker Dr. WIlliam Li
Don't miss Li at the ASPI free program July 30
By David Keller
I was never one to sit idly by when I thought I was being bullied. Whether it was by my older brother or the government or a disease. I put up a defense.
The same goes with prostate cancer. I’m not going to sit idly by and let some effing tumor just have its way with me.
I am taking up arms.
I’m not going to sit passively around worrying between PSA blood draws, MRI scans, and biopsies. The prostate is an organ and the tumor is tissue and I’m going to do everything I can to have the healthiest prostate possible and I’m going to do everything I can to make life a living hell for that tumor, so, that it might disappear and go away, or, at least, stop growing.
My active surveillance is very active, and I have found that one of the most active things that I can do is to eat right.
Food can be medicine. No book makes that point clearer than the new best-seller by William Li, MD titled, Eat To Beat Disease – The New Science Of How Your Body Can Heal Itself.
A long time ago I was taught garbage in, garbage out. If you put garbage into your body you’re going to get garbage results.
Dr. Li’s book tells us which ingredients to put into our body to have our body function optimally. Do you pour cement into your gas tank? No? Why not? Because you know the consequences. Try and learn as much about what to put into your body as you know about what to put into your car.
For prostate patients, possibly one of the most important pages in Dr. Li’s book is page 153. On that page, he states, “Other noteworthy bioactives found in foods can suppress cancer stem cells. Genistein is found in soy. Luteolin occurs in celery, oregano, and thyme. Quercetin is found in capers, apples, and bell peppers. All three of these compounds can suppress prostate cancer stem cells.”
I also trust an author who provides scientific references behind every statement. None of this “trust me I’m a doctor” nonsense. Good doctors will seek to educate their patients and provide scientific evidence behind any statements. Dr. Li provides 43 pages of references in his book.
So, I looked up the studies that support that statement on page 153. Turns out that the FDA and science have joined to create certain lines of living cells that scientists can use to substitute for the actual cells in our body as I understand the research process. One cellular line is called the PC3 line. That is a prostate (P) cancer (C) cell line that has become a standard that is used when testing certain compounds against prostate cancer cells. So, Li references studies by Zhang et al in 2012 and Tsai et al in 2016 that demonstrated that a PC3 cell, a prostate cancer cell, will die in the presence of genistein, luteolin, and quercetin. As a result, I’ve added a lot more capers, celery, oregano, bell peppers, and soy to my daily diet.
I like an author who teaches me something. In Dr. Li’s book, you’ll learn about angiogenesis and apoptosis. Our bodies can’t survive without these two functions, but you want them to operate in an order and sequence that supports optimum prostate health.
Angiogenesis is the building of capillaries that will feed nutrients into parts of our body. For example, if we are cut, angiogenesis will play a role in building micro capillaries to feed nutrients into that wounded area to help it heal. But angiogenesis can also create capillaries that will feed nutrients into cancer stem cells. So, Dr. Li shows us how to eat foods that are anti-angiogenic when it comes to cancer stem cells. Now, wouldn’t it be nice to have my own laser-guided dynamite when it comes to killing off prostate cancer stem cells? The Eat To Beat Disease book tells us which foods have ingredients that are anti-angiogenic and can starve prostate cancer stem cells by denying those cancer cells their capillary food supply.
When a cell dies that’s called apoptosis. Would you like to know how to bring a world of hurt to prostate cancer stem cells, so, that they suffer apoptosis and die off? This information is found in Dr. Li’s book “Eat To Beat Disease.”
Dr. Li identifies our body’s five natural defense systems. They are angiogenesis, regeneration, the microbiome, DNA protection, and our immune system. Each of these systems is necessary to our survival and critical when promoting prostate health and fighting prostate disease.
In his book, Dr. Li provides a list of all the different foods that support these five essential defense systems. He recommends that we eat 5 different foods 5 times a day that support our 5 different systems essential to optimizing our health. It’s called the 5x5x5 program.
Dean Ornish MD and Mark Hyman MD have praised Dr. William Li’s book. INC magazine says, “Dr. Li is Richard Branson’s diet guru.” Dr. Li has over 100 published scientific articles that have appeared in Science, the New England Journal of Medicine, the Lancet, and his TED Talk, YouTube videos, and TikTok videos have garnered over 13 million views. Dr. Li’s TED Talk on “Eat To Starve Cancer“ has over 11 million views. Take 18 minutes to watch this TED Talk. It will change the way you approach your life and prostate cancer forever.
Dr. Li is a highly regarded cancer and nutrition scientist. He has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and Voice of America and in The Atlantic, TIME, and The New York Times. He is an author of over 100 scientific publications in leading journals such as Science, the New England Journal of Medicine, and The Lancet. Dr. Li has served on the faculties of Harvard Medical School, Tufts University, and Dartmouth Medical School.
Wouldn’t it be nice if Dr. Li gave a free zoom webinar 100% dedicated and focused on the prostate patient?
Well, we are in luck. Dr. Li has agreed to give a 90-minute live zoom webinar on Saturday, July 30, 2022, at noon EDT on that very topic, “Eat To Beat Prostate Disease.”
Don’t miss it. Tell your male friends. Tell their wives and girlfriends. And tell all of your doctors and clinicians and nurses involved in promoting prostate health care.
Active Surveillance Patients International (ASPI) and a consortium of other prostate patient support groups are supporting this July 30th Dr. Li event.
As a bonus, each registrant will receive a list of prostate-healthy recipes.
Don’t go lightly into the night. Proactively defend your prostate health by attending the July 30th “Eat To Beat Prostate Disease” zoom webinar.
Register now for FREE by going to the ASPI website:
David King Keller, PhD, is a best-selling legal author, entrepreneur, and inventor. David is also a prostate cancer patient on active surveillance (AS). Two out of three medical institutions recommend he remove his prostate due to a PiRads 4 MRI and a 3cm lesion, a PSA of 7.6 and a high-risk Decipher score. David is going with the Chair of the University of Florida’s Urology Department, who says he can stay on AS for now. David serves on the Active Surveillance Patients International Advisory Board.
He is the moderator on the upcoming July 30, 2022, Zoom webinar with Dr. William Li entitled, “Eat To Beat Prostate Disease.” Keller Industries LLC is about to launch a new patented invention that makes bicycling safer. He is the author of eight non-fiction books in various fields, including law, politics, Black Lives Matter, and MicroMindfulness™. Five American Bar Association Presidents endorsed his most recent legal book on business development for law firms. He teaches an ethics Continuing Legal Education class to lawyers.
Join us at 12p.m. Eastern July 30 for Dr. William Li’s webinar, “Eat to Beat Prostate Disease.”
Free Registration: or go direct to:
Free prostate-healthy recipes for all registrants.
More info:; or
Join Dr. Channing Paller, associate professor of Oncology and Urology at Johns Hopkins University, Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, and Rob Finch, Director of Urology Medical Affairs at Myriad Genetics as they discuss the impact of genetic factors in prostate cancer and the PROMISE study.
Genetics, the PROMISE Study, and Prostate Cancer: a Town Hall Webinar
July 20, 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Join a ZERO webinar, Prostate Cancer and the Unique Needs of the LGBTQIA+ Community featuring Anne Katz PhD, RN, FAAN, of CancerCare Manitoba, Winnipeg. It will July 27, 2022 at 06:30 PM Eastern.
Register here:
There are studies that have been done on broccoli extract (sulforaphane), pomegranate seed extract, monolaurin and turmeric that have shown to have positive effects in men with prostate cancer. I was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer and had an extremely high PSA at the time of diagnosis.. I began supplementing with the mentioned supplements and within about three months, My PSA dropped significantly to the point that even my doctors were surprised. During this time, no other dietary or lifestyle modifications were made and the supplements played at least a partial role in the changes in the PSA levels, check out: ( worldrehabilitateclinic. com ).
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