Just wanted to bring to your attention this Substack article I posted in response. Thank you.


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Thanks, Matt.

I will share this.


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Jun 26Liked by Howard Wolinsky

He was big on starch and phobic on fat. He got into arguments with other vegans who thought there should be more emphasis on fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.

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Thanks for clarifying that, Markus.


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He looked awful in his last videos. Like a cancer patient I’m afraid. He did a lot of good but an extreme plant based diet is probably not the way.

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I disagree that he looked awful. For a 77 year old man he had an incrediblly sharp mind when answering medical questions. He helped many, many people get well through his nutritional program. I have been followung his diet for 6 years and my health has never been better. He loved his work and was devoted to telling and researching the truth and getting it out to the world. A great doctor.

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I didn't say he wasn't sharp. I said he didn't look good. And I stand by that. I'm glad it's working for you. I haven't found people do very well in the long run with a solely plant based diet, but God bless you and I hope it keeps working for you.

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What do you expect a 77 year old man to look like? My second statement was in addition to the first. I don't at all think he looked bad. He was thin, but that's more healthy than being overweight. Most people's hair gets thinner when they get older. Skin wrinkles too. What do you expect? Where do you get your research on how people do on a plant-based diet? I think research shows the opposite... check out the blue zones.

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actually, being thin is not healthier. In fact, he was too thin. If a diet is so great, the proponent should look great. He did not. I'm sorry. He looked his age.

There is no evidence for plant-based diets being better. The so-called blue zones have people eating a mix of protein from plants and animals.

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You obviously have never read any of his books and know very little about his research and work as a doctor. He always got good results when his patients followed his diet. And he's not the only doctor who prevents and heals through nutrition. If you think having a high bmi looks good, then that's your taste. But the science of what happens on the inside is what it's about. McDougall's website is full of testamonials. He's also not the only plant-based doctor who has helped patients cure and even reverse serious diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and many other common diseases caused by a poor diet.

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Yes I've read his work and watched his videos. I admire him for what he did around type 2 diabetes but he was quite mistaken about his diet.

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I hadn't seen the videos. I do wonder about the cause of death.

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