John L. Gore, M.D., MS at University of Washington Medicine recently made the following comment before a local PCa support group which SHOULD BE the annual mantra each year at the A.U.A. annual national meeting-and I paraphrase-"Show me reason, Mr. Cancer, WHY I should intervene!

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Thanks. At your leisure.

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Over the years I've collected a number of books concerning prostate cancer and even written forwards for a couple. However, there are 2 books that all men and partners should read on this subject. Along with many supporting references, these books lay bare the unbridled fraud in the prostate cancer arena - tests and treatments that result only in the harm of countless men.

The Rise and Fall of the Prostate Cancer Scam - by Anthony Horan MD - he has other books

The Great Prostate Hoax - by R. Ablin PhD and R. Piana PhD

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Great, Bert. Can you write a review on both or individual interviews? What they mean for patientd and for you as a urologist? Maybe 800-1,000 words? I have read Ablin and Piana. Bery powerful. I think I read another by Horan. Howard

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I’ll try for both Howard

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