If RP is terrible (which I agree with), and AS is lame, then what options are we left with? (besides radiation treatments)

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I agree to a healthy debate anytime, any place.

I would desperately like to see urologists - as did these authors (see Anthony Horan MD and his book "The Rise and Fall of the Prostate Cancer Scam" and Richard Ablin and Ron Piana with their book, "The Great Prostate Hoax") get away from treatment philosophies based on unfounded biases and return to treatments based on irrefutable and reproducible data - let's drill down and see where the scientific evidence is supporting the merits of PSA-based testing and prostate cancer surgery. Unfortunately, we have plenty of evidence that there is no merit to these treatment philosophies. John Ioannidis MD has already warned us - "that most published research findings are false". We have to do a lot better as physicians, get away from junk science and doublespeak.

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I fully agree with the fact that medicine in all of it’s fields is fraught with falsehoods, junk science and doublespeak and that’s precisely why I never trusted the Covid vaccines, because if we can’t trust doctors and their procedures that have been in use for DECADES… how can we trust them with completely new technology that is made by companies that have been given indemnity and can’t be held responsible for harm caused by their products?

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thanks Igor - please read my latest blog - Why Prostate Cancer Testing and Treatment is a Public Health Disaster - Sadly, only about 11% of all medical treatments are known to be beneficial. The probable reason behind this shocking result is the fact that John Ioannidis MD concluded that most published research is false. Many so-called healthcare studies are garbage as they are not founded on sound scientific principles. In fact, an awful lot in healthcare information can't be believed - even when it comes from government oversight agencies such as the FDA or NIH.

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it is always helpful to take a step back and re-evaluate dogma. I think DR Vorstman does challenge the "norms" and causes one to pause. I may not agree with all of his comments but healthy debate should never be shied away from

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Thanks Dr. L. We have another column coming from Dr. V.

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