
P.S. I think I know who it was. Magwitch? Loeb?

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Thanks, Bob. Your comment reminds me of "Great Expectations," one of my favorite novels by Dickens. Who was your secret benefactor? BYW, you might not be surprised that Dickens was paid by the word. I am not paid at all? Howard Wolinsky

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May 2, 2022Liked by Howard Wolinsky

Prostates with Gleason 6: "Red Flag" is first reaction .Since being informed by all the researchers and others who contribute from their experiences on this platform, it could be regarded as a" pink flag". That means there is a diagnoses that you need to monitor on a timely basis. This can be categorized on a mans basic health grades combined with age, family history ,life styles ,work /military hazardous exposures.

Brackets designed in this way can make it all more comprehensible to enable the individual to know where they fit .

When a Gleason 6 is diagnosed it gives the urologist the green flag for radical surgeries /Radiologists to radiate .

When I was diagnosed via trans perineal biopsy ,both were very aggressive for Me to make the choice of treatment.?I was immediately very suspicious. My logic and common sense voice spoke "75 years old ,good health grade and active lifestyle ,no family history .Watch and wait. I was introduced to this site by a fellow patient from the same practice. With his permission I will tell you his name.He opened the positive door and I am grateful to him .Since then all contributors to this site has given me grounding for that decision. So for now for me it is "pink flag ", unless things progress which shall be monitored.

Thanks to All,

Bob Melchiorre

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