Thank you Dr. Zhou for writing this article, looking forward to Part 2. And thank you Howard for "The Active Surveillor"!

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Since we're thanking folks, thanks Jeff for being a reader and a paid subscriber. I whine about paid subscriptions. But, unfotunately, readers may not realize that I put actual work into writing this newsletter. I forego better-paying gigs to provide this information on PCa, which you may not see anywhere else. That's my public TV-style plea for paid subsciptions to help me ty to break even. Sorry. Return to your regular programming.

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May 21Liked by Howard Wolinsky


The subscription price is well worth it when you consider the information you provide!

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Thanks, Jeff.

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May 18Liked by Howard Wolinsky

Great information on biopsies, Howard. Thanks. It’s certainly not an exact science, as we found out after having samples read by 4 different pathologists at 4 different institutions before 2 reports agreed.

On young men affected, metastatic prostate cancer claimed my brother’s stepson, a wonderful young man, at age 36. Please read: Jeremy Brandon Paster


He wasn’t diagnosed until he was suffering from back pain from all the mets. His mom became a board member of Zero after his death to advocate for earlier routine testing.

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Thanks, Nancy, Sorry to hear about Jeremy. So young. I am moderating a program next Saturday for ASPI on prostate cancer in young men.

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I already signed up for the program 😉

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May 18·edited May 18Liked by Howard Wolinsky

This is yet another greatly helpful expertly-written publication from you, Howard. Ming's insights and knowledge have been a tremendous blessing to Keith Day and myself. Thank you for The Active Surveillor and the encouragement it has provided us both as well so many other men!

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Thanks, Charles. To be clear, I was smart enough to recruit Dr. Ming Zhou as an expert columnist. He wrote the column. I only edited it. We have some expert columnists here, including Dr. Stacy Loeb on lifestyle, Dr. Michael Leapman on urology, and Dr. Antonio Westphalen on radiology.

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